June Highlights: Custom Fields, CRM Filters, and Company Management
In June, the Portal team focused on making the CRM more powerful and improving the experience of managing client companies (which may have multiple associated client users).
In June, the Portal team focused on making the CRM more powerful and improving the experience of managing client companies (which may have multiple associated client users).
Custom fields
On the client details page, you can now add custom fields including phone numbers, emails, URLs, text, numbers, and addresses. Once added, they show on the CRM table.
CRM Filters
You can now click on a filter button on the CRM table to indicate which columns you would like to show. Filters are user-specific so your teammates can setup different filters and those preferences are saved.

Managing company information
You can now more easily edit companies, assign logos to companies, and see all the clients that are associated with a company.
Improvements and fixes
- Added the ability to duplicate invoices.
- Added Quarterly as an option when creating subscriptions.
- Added invoice receipt email notifications for clients users.
- Added support for decimals in the quantity field on invoices and subscriptions.
- Improved the experience of creating an invoice from the client details page. The client now gets auto-selected.
- Improve the experience of adding profile pictures for your current user and clients. The pictures now appear immediately everywhere in the product without refresh.
- Improved the design of the custom fields UI.
- Improved the performance of the CRM page when you have >100 clients.
- Improved the errors in the invoicing flow so that you know if a card is rejected when you try to auto-charge it.
- Updated our website, our help desk, and switched to this new page for weekly product updates.
- Redesigned the custom field experience to be more intuitive.
- Fixed a bug that prevented welcome messages previews from showing on the client details page.
- Fixed a bug that prevented clients from downloading some invoices.