How to create a client portal for your real estate business

Looking to build a real estate client portal? In this guide, we'll go over how to create a customer portal your clients will absolutely love.

Real estate client portal

Ever felt like you were juggling too much at once? Picture this: a world where every property detail, document, and deadline lives in one easy-to-reach spot. That's the magic of a real estate client portal.

Imagine never losing track of an offer or missing out on your dream home because paperwork got buried in your inbox. It sounds pretty sweet, right?

I’m about to take that tangled web of real estate chaos and turn it into a neatly organized dashboard just for you — and I'll show you how to make it happen with Copilot. Ready for smoother sailing through your real estate journey

Let’s dive in!

What is a real estate client portal?

A real estate client portal is like a private digital headquarters for agents and their clients. It's a secure online space for both sides to connect during the home sale or purchase process — whether you're listing a property, making an offer, or heading towards closing.

Inside the portal, real estate pros can grant clients access to the same helpful systems and documents they rely on daily. That way, clients can check out property listings, schedule meetings, sign forms, track next steps, and more all in one spot. It's where all the magic happens — communication, document sharing, payments, and more.

A client portal makes life easier for agents and buyers by keeping everything in one place. A real estate client portal doesn't just store documents, it's an interactive hub. Think of it as mission control for property transactions.

Files app in Copilot

Clients can log in to view listings tailored to their needs or check on the status of their current deal. It’s like having a personal concierge for home-buying.

No more email overload or lost texts. Portals centralize messages so nothing slips through the cracks. You get streamlined chats that track every detail about showings, offers, and closing details — because who likes surprises when they’re not fun?

Gone are the days of fax machines and courier pigeons. Modern portals let clients pay fees online securely while also managing piles of paperwork digitally with ease.

Contracts app in Copilot
  • E-signatures? Check.
  • Paperless transactions? Absolutely.
  • Hassle-free closings? Yup.

What features to look for in a real estate client portal?

When evaluating client portal solutions for your real estate business, there are a few key features to look for:

  • User-friendly interface: Your clients should feel at home from their first click. An easy-to-navigate dashboard lets them find listings, documents, and updates without breaking a sweat.
  • Document storage & sharing: A central place to securely store and share documents like offers, reports, disclosures, etc. Saves time over emailing back and forth. Easy upload and access.
  • Transaction management: Tools to track the transaction process in real-time. Calendar, reminders, and status updates on tasks like inspections, contracts, and mortgages.
  • Communication features: Options to message agents, schedule meetings, and approve documents.
  • Custom branding: White-labeled interface matching your brand guides clients to your portal versus third-party spaces.
  • Listings database access: Grant clients access to your MLS database for self-service property search without handing over agent logins.
  • E-Signature capabilities: Electronic signature simplifies signing forms. Transactions progress faster.
  • Contact management: Centralized place to store lead contact details, notes and communication over time.
  • Analytics tracking: Insights into what listings and data clients access most. Helps personalize service.

The right property software tailors to a brokerage’s unique needs and ecosystem while prioritizing client convenience. Assess must-have features for your workflow before adopting any new real estate portal. The overall goal is to improve experiences for both your team and your clients.

How to create a real estate client portal in 5 steps

Here are 5 steps to create a real estate client portal:

  1. Use a client portal builder like Copilot
  2. Customize your portal
  3. Integrate your apps
  4. Invite staff and clients
  5. Integrate Copilot with your website

Okay, let’s look at each step.

1. Use a client portal builder like Copilot

Copilot for real estate businesses

To start, many real estate businesses use Copilot to build out white-label client portals. Using a client portal builder like Copilot can significantly streamline operations in the real estate industry.

Copilot offers a variety of automation features that simplify project and task management. Its pricing structure is designed to suit different business needs. The platform also lets you easily handle all of your client information, helping you keep track of deals.

Many real estate businesses love Copilot because of its user-friendly interface, the ability to send email notifications through the platform, the ability to integrate with task management tools, and how you can adjust permissions settings.

All of these features help create a collaborative and organized workspace — making Copilot an ideal choice for real estate professionals seeking an effective client management solution.

2. Customize your portal

Your next step is crafting the floor plan by setting up key features in your portal. We're talking about listings, scheduling tools, and document sharing — all under one roof. This creates that seamless flow from room to room or feature to feature in our analogy here.

This means branding every nook with logos and colors so it feels like home—for both you and your clients. With Copilot, you can create multiple client portals. For example, you could create a white-labeled client portal for each listing and customize it to fit your brand.

3. Integrate your apps

Copilot app marketplace

Copilot doesn't just stand alone — it shines brightest when connected with third-party apps through the app marketplace. Here you can you can integrate your real estate portal with any tools you may already be using. And with Zapier, can connect almost anything to your client portal.

You get a clear view of every interaction, from initial contact to closing deals, all in one place. This integration means no more tab-switching or duplicate entries — just smooth sailing for you and your team.

A CRM, MLS services, and marketing software can all work together without any hiccups. You can also populate helpful articles or FAQs using Copilot’s helpdesk functionality — which can act as an instruction manual for other agents or potential clients.

4. Invite staff and clients

The first move is getting your team set up in the portal. Think of it as moving into a new office — you want all hands on deck.

Your crew needs access so they can start streamlining their workflow with messaging, file-sharing, and scheduling right away. To add staff members, just head over to your dashboard settings within Copilot.

Copilot messaging app

Pick roles that match their real-world jobs because this will keep things clear-cut when assigning tasks or listings later on.

Clients also love simplicity. That’s why with Copilot they can create accounts without breaking a sweat. Add a sign-up link directly on your website for them to click through — it's like giving them their key to the front door of a digital property space you’ve created for them.

Once inside, they’ll find everything from browsing properties to signing documents is smoother than ever before — like having an open house online 24/7.

5. Integrate Copilot with your website

Your real estate business may already have a website. Whether it’s built with WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Webflow, or any platform for that matter, you can easily integrate with your Copilot portal.

I’m not going to go into too much detail on how to do this because I already wrote a handful of guides on this subject. Feel free to click on any link that is relevant to you:

And that’s it! You now have a way to create a real estate client portal that sets you apart from other real estate agents and businesses.


So, you've seen the ropes. A real estate client portal is your digital right hand, keeping track of all things property-related. It's all about efficiency and lessening anxiety.

Remember, key features are king. Listings, and document management — these essentials make a portal powerful. Dive in with Copilot — it's your how-to guide for crafting that perfect space where clients click and deals stick.

If you’re ready to take your real estate and client experience to the next level, be sure to play around with Copilot’s real estate demo portal!

Run your real estate business on Copilot Copilot gives you the tools you need to start, run, and grow your client business. Try it for free!